CWG: Sapper Nuriel Evans

Sapper Nuriel Evans

Nuriel Ivor Evans was born on 22nd October 1892 in Lefroy, Tasmania, Australia. The older of two children, his parents were Powel and Mary Evans. There is little definitive information about Nuriel’s early life. The first concrete details come from his First World War service records.

Nuriel enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force on 31st August 1915. He was working as a tailor at the time, bring in money for his wife, Ida, who he had married in May 1913, and their daughter, Mollie, who was born that December.

Sapper Evans’ records confirm he was 5ft 3.5ins (1.61m) tall and weighed in at 131lbs (59.4kg). He was noted as having brown hair, grey eyes and a fair complexion, with a scar on his right shin.

Nuriel sailed for Europe on 23rd November, having been attached to the Australian Engineers. His unit left the Egyptian port of Alexandria in March 1916, and arrived in Marseille, France, ten days later. Leave aside, he was to serve on the Western Front for the next two years.

Barring one offence of being absent from parade (on 23rd March 1916, for which he was confined to barracks for a day), Sapper Evans had an unblemished record. On 23rd June that yeah, he was admitted to a field hospital because of a scald to his left foot. The injury was severe enough for him to be medically evacuated to Britain for treatment, and he only eventually returned to his unit on 24th February 1917.

Sapper Evans was badly wounded again on 27th April 1918, having received shrapnel wounds to his back, left buttock and right hand. Initially treated on site, he was moved to a hospital in Rouen, before being evacuated to Britain once more. By 1st May, he was in Bath War Hospital, Somerset, for treatment.

Sadly, any medical support was to prove too little. Sapper Evans passed away on 15th May 1918, from an “aneurysm shock following [a] secondary haemorrhage.” He was 25 years of age.

Thousands of miles from home, Nuriel Ivor Evans was laid to rest in the military section of Bath’s Locksbrook Cemetery.

Sapper Nuriel Evans
(from findagrave,com)

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